Draw Perspective
Perspective drawing is a drawing technique used to illustrate dimension
through a flat surface. There are many forms used under perspective
drawing such as, one perspective, two-point perspective, three-point
perspective, bird’s eye view, worm’s eye view and others. For this
tutorial, a one perspective is used to draw a scene under a checkered
pathway. One perspective is also a perspective drawing that has one
vanishing point were the lines drawn are parallel to each other and are
at “infinity.”
5 way to Draw Perspective |
Basic Perspective Drawing
Start by creating a vanishing point by drawing an “X” at the center of the paper.
Then from the center through the edge of your paper draw lines, but
make sure also that the lines you have drawn can be used on your
Then for the next step draw a series of poles on the right side. When you almost reached the center or the vanishing point you can substitute the poles to a series of lines.
For the left side draw a series poles and add in some perpendicular benches. Remember to draw lines again when you almost reach the center or the vanishing point.
Then for the next step draw the roof of the pathway by illustrating its checkered pattern.
Next is to sketch houses on the left side and a beach scene on the right side of the drawing.
Finally end the drawing by sketching lines that will highlight or outline the path and roof.
Ink over your drawing and you’re done.
Ink over your drawing and you’re done. To ink over your drawing use a
black pen or marker with different kinds of points so that there will
be some variation of texture on your drawing.
One Point Perspective
One point perspective is usually used when the object's front is
facing the viewer. In this type of drawing the horizontal and vertical
lines will be horizontal and vertical respectively in the drawing, and
lines getting farther from the viewer will have an angle towards what is
called a "Vanishing Point." Click on any of the following images to get
a closer look.
Horizon Line
Determine the horizon in your drawing. Draw a
horizontal line for the horizon with a hard pencil. The horizon lines
determines how far the viewer can see based on the terrain and the
distance of the viewer from the ground.
Vanishing Point
Choose the vanishing point. This is what will
determine the effect of the perspective. As a reference, the most basic
vanishing point would be located in the center of the paper horizontally
and over the horizon line. If you set the vanishing point to the right,
the drawing will look as if the point of view is moved to the left of
the objects. The vanishing point for some objects can also be above or
below the horizon lines depending on the inclination of the planes in
respect to the ground.
One Point Perspective - Main objects sketched
Sketch the main objects.
Take care to draw all the horizontal and vertical lines perfectly horizontal and vertical.
The lines that start near the point of view and get farther should be
drawn extending towards the selected vanishing point. This will give the
perspective effect.
Give detail to your drawing respecting the proportions dictated by the reference lines you sketched before.
Two Point Perspective
Two point perspective or perspective with two vanishing points is
used when the objects' corners are facing the viewer. This method is
perfect for drawing isometric objects.
Horizon Line
Determine the horizon in your drawing. Sketch a horizontal line for the horizon as in the first method.
Determine the point of view, which is the approximate location of the eye of the person viewing the drawing. This point may be located below the bottom of the paper (outside the paper.) You don't need to actually mark the point.
Left Vanishing Point
Determine your first vanishing point. The
usual method for this is to sketch a first line from the point of view
in a 60 degree angle to the left and mark your vanishing point where
this line intersects the horizon.
Right Vanishing Point
Determine your second vanishing point. For
this you will draw a second line from the point of view in a 30 degree
angle to the right. Again, the vanishing point will be the intersection
of this line and the horizon. The 60 and 30 degree angles can be
different, but the angle between the lines that go from the eye of the
observer to the vanishing points have to form a 90 degree angle.
Two Points Perspective - Main objects sketched
Sketch your main objects drawing the vertical
lines perfectly vertical, the horizontal lines moving to the left at an
angle towards the left vanishing point and the horizontal lines moving
to the right at an angle towards the right vanishing point (all the
horizontal lines should converge in one or the other of the vanishing
points if extended far enough).
Two Points Perspective - Detailed objects
Give detail to your drawing respecting the trends given by the horizontal lines sketched for the main objects.
These lines will determine the proportion of the sizes of the objects
when they are located closer or farther from the point of view.
Make light, temporary guidelines with a ruler (shown here in green) to
make sure your details are in perspective. Erase these guidelines later.
Three Point Perspective
Think of how you would draw this with the three point perspective with a vertical vanishing point in the sky.
Notice that the three point perspective includes the two point perspective
or perspective with two vanishing points plus it also has a third
perspective point or third vanishing point in the vertical perspective
aspect as from near the ground for instance looking up at a tower -- as
the viewer is facing a vertical corner (edge) of the object.
Multiple "Third" Point Perspectives:
Each of the third, fourth,... vanishing points relates within the three
ordinary, perpendicular, graphical axes of a scene, ie: it could be
graphed using 3-dimensional (x,y,z) points as in geometry and algebra.
Consider that the third point can be any fourth, fifth,...
view for an angular, tilted or rotated part of a drawing, but it is
usually based on parallel lines in each part and relates those parts
that are actually parallel to each other.
Look at the staircase example to see that different "3rd point" depends on the angle of the item being viewed.
So then there can be several "other" vanishing points off at "some odd
angle vanishing upward into the sky (or downward)" in a picture, for
example another identical staircase could be oriented (rotated)
differently as for example shown in the same drawing of a lobby of a
building, etc.
Zero Point Perspective
Think about scenes such as landscapes that have no parallel lines.
This kind of perspective is of irregular shapes like crooked trees,
boulders, mountains, rubble, stones, gravel, and sand dunes, etc.
Notice that colors and shading are sharper and brighter in the foreground but become hazy and faded in the background.
Draw this kind of perspective with object sizes
generally getting smaller into the distance, and the drawing elements
like tree limbs, becoming thinner and less detailed in the background,
with textures, shading and colors showing less contrast as they are
farther away so that colors fade (become lighter) and become tinted
toward blue color tones in the distance.
Edit Tips
- Always start your drawings with a hard pencil. 2H pencils are
recommended for this part, but you may want to use harder pencils if you
want to avoid your reference lines being seen in the final drawing.
Complete the drawings with a slightly softer pencil, such as HB.
A good way to practice is to visit places where you can see a structure
disappearing into the horizon (railroad tracks are perfect, but be
extremely careful of a train approaching from behind). Sit down and draw
the structure head on; then move over 15 feet to the left (or right)
and do it again. Practice drawing from various angles, always noting
where the vanishing point is.
Perspective can also be applied to block letters for a more dramatic and imposing effect.
- Always use a ruler so that the lines you draw are straight.
Edit Warnings
- Make sure you keep your hands very clean when drawing. Nothing is
sadder than ruining a perfectly good drawing that took hours to get
perfect just because your hands were not clean.
- Remember to try and draw lightly first, or you will see lines in the
finished drawing where you have tried to erase previous attempts.
- Don't forget the fact that you can throw away a bad try at a picture. Accidents happen.
Ordinary geometric drawings do not show perspective no matter how far lines are extended.
This is a three dimensional drawing without perspective. The coordinate
system does not have a vanishing point. In this kind of drawing the
parallel lines would not appear to converge (come closer together) when
extended into the distance.
Things You'll Need
- Pencils: 2H or harder, HB, 2B or softer
- Sheets of paper
- A model object to draw
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