Draw Wonder Woman |
Lets start off this tutorial with two easy shapes. First draw a circle
for her head, and a w with a line on top closing off the opening, this
will be her chest.
Draw Wonder Woman |
Now draw some more guide
line shapes by drawing two circles for the shoulders that are placed
about half inch below the head, almost forming a triangle shape. Then
from those two circles, draw a line coming from each ending with a
smaller circle which will be the elbows. Start from the points on the
bottom of the torso shape and connect until you have a closed shape for
her hips.
Draw Wonder Woman |
Draw the line art as shown
above. What you are trying to accomplish is shaping the body to actually
look like a pair of arms connecting to the hips. From the lower half of
Wonder Woman sketch out two carrot shaped thighs.This will all make
sense soon.
Draw Wonder Woman |
Now, from under the head
draw two small straight lines to form the neck. Move down to the hip
area and draw her fist resting on the waist. Next, draw a line to
separate the garment from the top half. Move on down to the legs and
sketch out the boot lining.
Draw Wonder Woman |
Move to the top of the head
and and draw yourself some helpful guidelines to make sure your face
comes out nice and even. What you also want to do in this step is sketch
out the hair. An easy way to do his is draw the shape of a rainbow with
the clouds on the ends.
Draw Wonder Woman |
Now using the guidelines
that you drew on the face, lightly sketch out her eye brows first, which
are nothing more then two curved lines. Her two almond shaped eyes,
nose and mouth. Move down to the chest plate and sketch out the plate
that resembles the wings of an eagle. Her lasso is the last thing to
sketch in this step.
Draw Wonder Woman |
Next, move to the top of
the head and draw her headband. This is an easy shape to draw, it is a
half diamond shape that ends at the sides of her head going underneath
her hair. Move down to the boots and sketch out the details in the
wonder boots. Each boot should have pointed tips at the top and one
stripe going down the middle.
Draw Wonder Woman |
That is it your done. She
came out good didn't she. All that you have to do now is erase the
sketching lines and guide lines to clean up the image. After all you
don't want Wonder Woman being dirty when she kicks butt, right.
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